Organa Papyrologica

This site unites all the digital tools that are taken care of in Leipzig. Among them is the Papyrus Portal, which searches the digitized papyrological databases in Germany and in its neighbouring countries and displays the results in a homogeneous way. Part of it is also the Papyrus and Ostraca Project Halle-Jena-Leipzig. The data of the collections Basel, Bremen, Erlangen, Cologne, Marburg, Wuerzburg as well as those of Giessen are made available, too.

Newcomer is the "multilingual online dictionary of the technical administrative language of Graeco-Roman-Byzantine Egypt" (in short new Fachwörterbuch). It replaces, updates and extends its known predecessor, Friedrich Preisigke's "Fachwörter des öffentlichen Verwaltungsdienstes Ägyptens: in den griechischen Papyrusurkunden der ptolemäisch-römischen Zeit" which was published more than 100 years ago, in 1915.

The aim of the site Organa Papyrologica is to create an international portal to all the papyrological online tools according to the motto nomen est omen.

Papyrus portal

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