Help for searches
Here You can find help and examples to facilitate using the PapyrusPortal. Short hints and special information
are to be found as mouseover. For a detailed description see the
Documentation of the 'Papyrus Portal'
(in German).
Many fields offer a list where the search term can be chosen (e.g. the fields: language, text
type, material, location, Gau). These lists enclude all entries that occured in the databases in
the specific field. Variations, like spelling, have been equalised and integrated.
Searching in other fields (like inventory number, title, content, acquisition, date and free text)
means typing the search term in the given field. Truncation is possible by entering only a part of the
word, e.g. *klav* for slave etc. (German) umlaut have to be written in two letters
(ä=ae, ö=oe, ü=ue).
A combined search of several words in field is possible and will result in a search of these
words connected by 'and'. Entries in different fields are connected automatically with 'and' as well.
Simultaneous searches for different terms that should not be connected with 'and', have to be split into single words and then
put into search one after another.
Search: all tax-lists from Hermupolis
Entry: select "Hermupolis" from the list in the field "Place", enter "tax-list" or a truncated form (e.g.
"tax*") in the field "Content"
Search: all documents concerning slaves from the 3rd century BC
Entry: enter "slav*" in the field "Content", in the date-fields enter "-299" in the field "not before" and
"-200" in the field
"and not after"